There’s still a lot of money to be made online. One great business model is to create a niche store. A niche is a specialized topic or product. For example, smartphones might be a niche. Blackberry smartphones would be an even more specialized niche. Repurposed Blackberry Smart Phones is even more specific.
Niches work well because you don’t have the same amount of competition. And you know that people who come to your website are interested in your specific product. There’s a higher rate of conversion. This translates into more sales for you.
If you have an idea for a niche store, here are a few tips to make it a reality.
Plan it!
You want to have a solid plan before you launch a store. Go into business without a plan and you may end up with a mess. Your plan doesn’t have to be formal. Instead, write it for yourself and anyone who will be working with you. Include:
* Vision and mission
* Your goals
* Your available time/schedule
* Your business model. For example, will you be a reseller? Are you going to join a direct sales company?
* Are you going to outsource work or hire employees?
* Who is your market and how will you reach them?
* Who is your competition and how will you beat them?
* How are you going to test and track your products, systems, and strategies?
* How will you receive payment and fulfill orders?
Your Niche Storefront
This decision is important because it can be difficult to change your mind later on. How are you going to sell your products? Will you create an eBay store? Sell on Amazon? Or will you create your own storefront and host the site yourself?
Review your options and make a decision that supports your current and long-term business goals.
Choose a Good Niche Store Name
Your store name and URL or website address are important. You want people to be able to find your products and storefront quickly. For example, if you’re going to sell repurposed blackberry phones you might want to make sure those keywords are in your storefront and URL – for example.
Building a niche storefront can be a fun and fulfilling way to make money. Research your idea and find a niche that has good demand and little competition. Decide how you want to set up your business and storefront and start making money online!