HubPages is a user-generated content site. That means that you, and others, create the content on the site. Each piece of content you create becomes a hub or an individual web page.
Here are just a few ways you can make money with HubPages.
AdSense is Google’s publishing program. Sign up for AdSense; it’s free, and you can publish Google ads on your HubPages. Each time someone clicks on an ad, you earn money. Now Google has rules like you can only have three ads on a page and you cannot ask people to click or call attention to the ads. So it’s important to know what the rules are before you sign up.
And like many monetization tools, the more content you create, the more money you’ll make. The same is true with AdSense. The more hubs you have, the more AdSense profit potential.
Affiliate Marketing
Another way to monetize your HubPages is to promote affiliate products. You can create product demonstrations and upload videos to your HubPage. You can create articles and include a call to action that links to an affiliate product or service. You can also write reviews or create comparison charts and let readers see which affiliate product is right for them.
Make sure your content is valuable rather than a blatant advertisement for your affiliate program. Present an unbiased review and/or an informative article to help your readers. You’ll make more money and earn more dedicated followers.
Sell Your Own Products or Services
You can also use HubPages to sell your own products or services. For example, if you write a book or create a home study course you can write and publish content that attracts and helps your audience. Then, include a call to action that drives traffic to your sales page.
For example, you might create a hub page on organizing your home with many different tips and articles on the subject. You can then tell readers that they can visit your website to purchase a book or course that can help them organize their home from top to bottom in 30 days.
Any niche topic can make money on HubPages. It is a growing site with more and more users every day. According to statistics, HubPages received around 42 million visits in December 2010 and over 90 million page views. There’s a lot of potentials to make money without spending time, money or energy creating your own blog or website.